How Energy Work is Possible with The New Physics

How Energy Work is Possible with The New Physics
I've gotten a lot of inquiries about remote sessions and how it works, and I totally get the confusion, because we've all been raised to believe that what we see, taste, smell, hear or touch is real... but is that truly the definition of reality?
Other animals like cats, dogs and horses can "sense" things that humans can't.
Is it possible that humans have only a limited capacity to sense with the 5 senses?
What is "Real"?
It was this question that got me thinking... how is it possible for me to treat somebody energetically if I can't see them or touch them?
I started reading the book, The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics, by Gary Zukov. It's a book written by a non-physicist about quantum mechanics and what he calls "New Physics".
As I was reading this morning, I came across an excerpt that resonated deeply, which I'll share below.
First, understand that you (and I) have been taught that the smallest thing that exists is the atom (with its protons, neutrons and electrons), but quantum mechanics is showing that these particles are NOT the end of existence.
Quantum Physics is showing that beyond the atom, only potential energy exists - energy that is highly reactive in real time and has no measurable mass, which means it isn't actually a "particle" that exists in one place at one time, but a potential "space" that simply exists.
Quantum Mechanics
From page 52 of the book:
"A particle over here can communicate with a particle over there (by shouting at it, sending it a TV picture, waving, etc.), but that takes time, even if only milliseconds. If the two particles are in different galaxies, it could take centuries. For a particle here to know what is going on over there while it is happening, it must be over there. But if it is over there, it cannot be here. If it is both places at once, then it is no longer a particle.
This means that "[subatomic] particles" may not be particles at all. It also means that these apparent particles are related with other particles in a dynamic and intimate way that coincides with our definition of organic [living and reacting to the environment around you].
Some biologists believe that a single plant cell carries within it the capability to reproduce the entire plant. Similarly, the philosophical implication of quantum mechanics is that all of the things in our universe (including us) that appear to exist independently are actually parts of one all-encompassing organic pattern, and that no parts of that pattern are ever really separate from it or from each other."
This excerpt kinda blew my mind and confirmed something I already intuited: that at the smallest level of existence, time and space are irrelevant.
Quantum Physics and Energy Work
If Quantum Physics is showing that at the smallest level of existence, every "thing" is not a particle, but something without mass that is reactive and perceivable, then it makes perfect sense that you don't have to be in front of me to assess you because I can connect with you no matter where I am by tapping into the energy that is you!
Hopefully this starts to paint a picture for you, using science, and helps expand your ideas of healing.
While science is still relatively young in the quantum world, it is showing that at the heart of all existence is living, reactive energy, not things with mass like we previously thought.
And if we aren't actually beings with mass that are susceptible to time and space, then what is "real" is simply reactive energy.
This makes it quite simple to connect with another outside of the space/time continuum and allows me to help you heal whether you're physically in front of me or not.